How to Stage Your Home on a Budget

Stage Your Home Tips from a Prō - Candice, Creative Consultant

Bōde’s Prō Marketplace is there to help when buying, selling, or maintaining your home. Browse our offerings to connect with staging professionalsinterior designers, or other Prōs, for more information, pricing, or to schedule a service. 

Staging your home in preparation for listing, showings and selling can be daunting. As a result, many people feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start in the process. Staging your home doesn’t have to be extremely complicated or cost an outrageous amount, in fact, many of the steps below won’t cost you anything! These 5 steps can be a great way to do it yourself, reduce costs, and help keep you on track throughout the selling process.

1. Remove Personal Items

An easy first step when preparing to stage your home for sale is to remove personal items such as family photographs, keepsakes and personal decors. A potential buyer wants to be able to envision themselves in your home. Removing these items can allow the buyer to more easily picture their own belongings in the home instead.

2. De-Clutter

Another simple action to take in staging your home is to remove excess clutter. Clutter takes away from the space around it and may divert attention from the great qualities in your home. Anything that can be removed should be, and placed in storage to free up space for the potential buyers to view your home without the added distractions. Let your home shine!

3. Make sure it is SUPER clean

Cleanliness is crucial when preparing your home for sale. If it is in your budget, hiring a professional cleaning service is the ideal way to get prepared for listing and showing your home. Having a clean space is an extremely important factor of the entire home aesthetic when buyers are viewing the property.

4. Create more space

More open space = more possibilities. Remove unnecessary furnishings and decor to keep the home space minimalistic and simple. The open space created from having less furnishings allows the buyer to imagine how they could transform the space to make it their own. 

5. Apply a fresh coat of paint

Painting is the most inexpensive way to bring a space to life, and give the home a newer, updated appearance. Choose neutral colours where possible to appeal to the widest range of buyers.

Love the above ideas but still feel like you would benefit from consulting an expert?

You might consider bringing in a Prō if:
  • You believe a professional opinion and overall design eye would help in preparing to sell your home.
  • The home is currently unoccupied and requires furnishings.
  • Time is highly valuable to you and you would prefer to have a Prō lend a hand.
  • You have overly large furniture that could distract from the space of the home and could benefit from being swapped out during the selling process.

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