Selling Your Home in Vancouver: How Marissa Saved $4,500 with Bōde

The greatest savings possible with the modern way of buying and selling real estate

If you’ve been considering selling your home in Vancouver, you’ve probably thought about the complexities of the real estate market—high commissions, lengthy processes, and the stress of finding the right buyer. For many sellers, hiring a realtor seems like the only option. But what if you could sell your property on your terms, save on hefty commissions, and have full control of the process? That’s where Bōde comes in.

Meet Marissa, a homeowner in Vancouver who decided to take control of her home sale by using Bōde’s platform. Marissa had always loved real estate but never wanted to become a realtor. With Bōde, she didn’t have to. The platform allowed her to “cosplay” as a realtor, managing her home sale and learning valuable skills along the way.

Why Marissa Chose Bōde

Marissa’s journey began with a referral from a friend who introduced her to Bōde. She hadn’t even considered selling without a traditional realtor until she learned about Bōde’s flexible platform. What attracted her the most? The ability to choose her level of support, giving her control without being bombarded by unnecessary emails or high commissions.

“I didn’t want to pay nearly $20,000 in realtor commissions for just one weekend of work,”

Bōde allowed her to take the reins, cut out the middleman, and keep more of the equity from her sale.

The Bōde Experience: Simplicity, Control, and Support

Bōde’s user-friendly platform put Marissa in full control of her sale, from listing her property to managing offers. She found the process surprisingly easy, and with Bōde’s support team, she easily got answers to her questions.


Marissa also loved how Bōde’s platform demystified the home-selling process, allowing her to manage her listing updates and viewings at her own pace. “It’s designed for control freaks like me,” she joked. She felt confident and informed every step of the way, knowing that she had full control of the process without feeling overwhelmed.

The Results: A Successful Sale

Marissa’s property sold for $543,000, and she walked away feeling confident in the outcome. “I saved myself $4,500 by spending one weekend of my life learning new skills and managing the sale,” she reflected.


For those wondering whether they can take on the task of selling their own property, Marissa encourages it—especially when you have a support system like Bōde’s behind you.

I feel like I really pulled the curtain back on something I was always interested in—the real estate industry—and protected my investment in a different way.

Sale Timing

Marissa was able to get serious offers within two weeks of being listed.

Sale Price

Marissa was able to sell for ~99% of her list price

Why you should consider Selling with Bōde

If you’re a Vancouver homeowner who is considering selling your property, Bōde offers you the tools, support, and flexibility to sell on your terms. Whether you’re a hands-on person like Marissa or prefer to get professional advice at key stages, Bōde lets you stay in control while saving on fees.

Ready to take the next step?

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