Toronto Real Estate Market – September 2024

Real Estate Market Report | Toronto | September 2024

Sales Fall as Inventory Rises, but Prices Hold Steady in a Cooling Market

Home buyers continue to purchase in Toronto. Many sellers seem to be sitting back to see what is happening to interest rates, however, the homes on the market are moving. 

We help provide home buyers and sellers with the data they need to be successful. When you have access to accurate and relevant data, you can be more confident in setting the price of your home and selling it or buying at the right price. 

With many important factors to consider (what kind of home you have, what community etc.), it’s important to look specifically at what the housing market is doing in your neighbourhood.  

Bōde sellers are more successful and actually make more money, on average, than the rest of the market. We are also here to make sure you have the information you need to make the decisions that are right for YOU!

So what's happening in the Toronto real estate market as of September 2024?

Let’s start with a Macroeconomics view 

To understand what’s happening in the real estate market you have to look at supply and demand.

The best proxies for supply and demand are:


New supply: New Listings (i.e. the number of homes recently listed for sale)

Total supply: Inventory (i.e. the total number of homes listed for sale)


Sales (i.e. the number of homes recently sold)


Supply & Demand

Months of Supply (i.e. the number of months it would take to sell all current inventory at the current rate of sale)


These metrics are the best indicators of the health of the real estate market. Let’s look at what they show us.

Overall Toronto Market

Sales in Toronto have decreased by 20%, marking a substantial slowdown in buyer activity compared to historical averages. Meanwhile, new listings have remained relatively stable, with only a 2% increase year over year, indicating that sellers are still entering the market despite the drop in demand. Inventory, however, has risen by 15%, and the months of supply have expanded by 30%, signaling that properties are staying on the market longer and giving buyers more choices.

Toronto's Detached Homes

The detached home segment has been particularly affected by the market slowdown. Sales of detached homes have dropped by 25%, yet prices have held firm with no significant decline. The average price for detached homes in Toronto remains steady at around $1,800,000. Inventory for detached properties has increased by 18%, which could start to place downward pressure on prices if demand doesn’t recover.

Toronto's Condominiums

The condominium market is also experiencing a slowdown, with sales falling by 15%. Along the reduced activity, condominium prices have decreased, with the average condo price dropping to at $681,835. Inventory levels have grown by 45% over the last 5 Augusts, providing buyers with more options in a market that is becoming increasingly favorable for those looking to purchase.

Toronto's Semi-detached & townhouse homes

In the attached home market (townhouses and semi-detached homes), sales have decreased by 22%, reflecting broader market trends. Prices for attached homes, however, have stayed firm, averaging $1,100,000. Inventory in this segment has risen by 20%, contributing to a more competitive market for sellers, but thus far, this has not led to any significant price drops.

It’s critical to understand the dynamics in your local property market


To understand your local property market you need to look at your local data. Head over to Bōde’s new and improved Market Data dashboard, the only place where you can see all the data yourself, including being able to filter on community, property type, and price range to see exactly what’s happening where you live.

You can also see the sold price of any home that has sold in the last 2 years using Bode’s Sold Data page.

If you’re thinking about selling, take a look at how Bōde helps sellers sell for 1.3% higher prices while paying 50% less commission.

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