7 tips to avoid attic rain in your home

What is attic rain?

When we experience periods of extended extremely cold weather in Alberta, moisture from within the home or outside sources carried by air movement can build up as frost on your roof sheathing or roof trusses’ underside. When things warm up again, this frost begins to melt and can cause what is known as “attic rain”.

What should I look for to know if I have attic rain?

You may notice ice inside your attic or the roof vents. You may also see visual stains of frozen water droplets, staining around recessed lighting, attic hatches and bathroom fan vents, and discolouration on insulation in attic. At times, water may drip from ventilation fans in the bathroom.

What are the causes of attic rain?

Attic rain can be caused by a variety of factors and typically presents in newer built homes because of improved building materials that result in a tighter seal. Newer homes tend to also be more energy efficient, therefore they allow less air to escape through shingles and moisture barriers. Without enough ventilation, humid air is trapped in the attic.


How do I protect my home from attic rain?

There are steps you can take to protect your home from attic rain and prevent the problem before it begins. Check out our 7 tips for homeowners below!

7 tips to avoid attic rain in your home

1. Check if your attic is well ventilated

Check attic for build up of frost. If you notice any areas of concern, have a professional seal any humid air leaks or venting into the attic space to prevent moisture transfer. Additional insulation can be added in hard to reach areas and caulking can be done around any fixtures or vents that have not been adequately sealed.

2. Turn down your humidifier

Manage the humidity in your home during the winter months by turning down the humidifier to 20 – 25%

3. Run ventilation fan in bathroom

Continuously run ventilation fans in bathrooms during showers and for some time after until the humidity has lowered in the room.

4. Install a HRV

Consider installing a Heat Recovery Ventilator. These systems replace damp indoor air with dry outdoor air. 

5. Run kitchen fan when cooking

Reduce extra heat in the home from cooking by running the kitchen exhaust fan.

6. Keep an eye on roof snow

Build up of snow on the roof can lead to heavily packed areas that melt during warmer periods and can leak through into your home. Contact a professional if you are concerned this may be happening in your home.

7. Contact a Prō

If you are worried about having attic rain in your home, or have already noticed signs, contact a professional to give you expert advice and assistance. The Prō Marketplace is full of the best home service professionals in your local area.

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