The Prō Marketplace could be your perfect solution

Bōde’s Prō Marketplace offers vetted local home Prōs to help you buy, sell and maintain your properties. With upfront pricing and an easy service request tool, the Prō Marketplace eliminates endless googling and back and forth admin to get the job done. 

How the Prō Marketplace & Bōde
can benefit Landlords

The Prō Marketplace creates the ease and convenience to request any service – the moment your tenants need it. Landlords are able to provide tenants with direct access to pre-vetted professionals, to ensure work is done in a timely manner and on their own schedule.


Bōde also empowers landlords with over 10 years of sold home data, as well as a view of current market data. Market trends and data are powerful tools for homeowners and can allow landlords to keep an eye on what they could potentially sell their properties for.

Why use the Prō Marketplace?

The Prō Marketplace provides the "black book" of home experts to support your tenants when they need them

It is important to have Prōs you can trust when you need them. The Prō Marketplace is free to use and provides vetted local Prōs with upfront pricing. The average Google rating of our Prōs is 4.7.


All Prōs, No Cons. 

What types of Prōs are in the Prō Marketplace?

...and many more!

More questions?

How are you different from Homestars, TrustedPros or any other online service provider? They also vet their Pros.

We provide all landlords with 10 years of market & sold data to help them track the market value of their properties and to help sell any of their properties. This data is free, and not easily available anywhere else. In addition, our market data is comprehensive with sold data and comparables. Typically, it’s hard to find specific data on every property ever sold or listed. 


Our team also provides ongoing customer service to those using our Prō Marketplace. Having support for your tenants means you can focus on your most important tasks and stop worrying about scheduling services.

How can the Prō Marketplace benefit me when I already have a list of service providers that have worked with me for many years?

We are happy that you have a great list that you work with. Sometimes there are cases where you may need a second opinion or second hand for emergencies or if your existing service providers aren’t available. We have vetted Prōs, with the highest ratings in the services they provide. In addition, we ensure the tenant/landlord has received a response from their request and experience a smooth process right from the beginning stages.

How does the Prō Marketplace help homeowners or tenants manage maintainence themselves?

We hear that maintenance is sometimes a stressful part of being a landlord. Therefore, imagine if you were to offer the Prō Marketplace as an option to ease some of the stress experienced by tenants, and yourself. You would be providing a simple option for tenants, while we handle the process.

Lilly Bashir

Prō Partnerships Manager

Get in Touch

If you have questions about using the Prō Marketplace to manage services for your properties – feel free to reach out to Lilly, our Prō Partnerships Manager.