A Candid Testimonial from Arif, Bōde Seller

Arif is an experienced real estate investor with extensive expertise in home building and construction and chose to sell his home, himself, using Bōde’s marketplace. In this candid testimonial, Arif touches on his experience thus far and how nice it is to have complete control of entire transaction.


“I’ve been using Bōde for a few months now, and I just wanted to talk about how easy the system is, and truly is a marketplace for the private seller and the buyer to converge and talk about the home that they’re interested in and go through a process of booking appointments, coming to see the property, even if there’s a second showing and taking care of all that. So right now I’m at one of my properties, and today is a good day. We have two showings. One is a second showing and a new showing. And so, when you get a showing, it’s really easy. We get a text on our phone, as well as an email indicating that there’s a request to show, and this could be from either a private party or a realtor.


And we’re able to go through the process accepting the showing time, or suggesting another showing time, or declining. So we’ve had a chance to come in and accept these showings. And as the owner of the property, I’m able to come in, turn the lights on, make sure everything is set, everything looks good, everything is clean and welcome the party that has made the request. So it’s either myself or my wife that gets to meet with them, introduce who we are as the sellers and the negotiators through the process. And either the realtor or the private party will come through, and we kind of let them walk through our property, we don’t stay in the property. We explain some high level features of the property, which is really cool because we get to sell our own property. And then we kind of leave them for their hour, and then come back, and turn the lights off and do all that kind of stuff.


So really hands-on. If you’ve ever wanted to take control of selling your own property, Bode is the way to go. The backend service and support is unreal. They have a robust team, 15 plus people that are there to support you and to help you negotiate through things or navigate through things. And so I highly, highly recommend Bode. It’s such a different feeling to be able to have control over the sell of your property. So, highly recommend it. And if you want to reach out to them, please feel free. You will get a response quickly and they’ll explain how the process starts. “- Arif M.

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