Calgary Real Estate Market Update October 2022

Written by Alan Kelly, Bōde’s Chief Economist

Real Estate Market Report | Calgary | October 2022

Calgary home sales are up 17% but the number of homes for sale down is 34%

How is that for a mixed message… What does it mean? If you are looking to sell your home, you will have very little competition and homes ARE selling. 

Real estate is a hot topic in news, especially how inflation and rising interest rates are impacting Albertan’s housing needs. Calgary’s real estate market has been insulated by the dramatic impact other big cities in Canada are experiencing. 

There has never been a more critical time to get home data for yourself. When you arm yourself with transparent data, you will feel more confident in setting the price of your home and selling it or buying at the right price. 

Obviously, there are many important factors to consider (what kind of home you have, what community etc.), so it’s important to look specifically at what the housing market is doing in your neighbourhood.

Bōde makes buying and selling your home a streamlined process offering significant time and cost savings along the way. We are also here to make sure you have the information you need to make the decisions that are right for YOU!

So what’s happening in the Calgary real estate market as of October 2022?

Let’s start with a Macroeconomics view 

To understand what’s happening in the real estate market you have to look at supply and demand.

The best proxies for supply and demand are:


New supply: New Listings (i.e. the number of homes recently listed for sale)

Total supply: Inventory (i.e. the total number of homes listed for sale)


Sales (i.e. the number of homes recently sold)


Supply & Demand

Months of Supply (i.e. the number of months it would take to sell all current inventory at the current rate of sale)


These metrics are the best indicators of the health of the real estate market. Let’s look at what they show us.

Calgary continues to see demand outpace new supply in the aftermath of COVID-19

September Real Estate Market in Calgary

New listings in September were down 8% while sales were up 17% vs. the average of the previous 4 years. Sales continue the strong trend they’ve been on since September 2020, however they are slowing considerably in recent months. Sales were not as strong this September as September 2021.

Calgary's housing inventory is down Sept 2022

The total number of homes for sale is down 34% compared to the average of the previous 4 years. Inventory levels continue to stay low compared to historical norms.

The combination of low supply and high demand has kept ‘months of supply’ low at just over 2 months which is down 48% vs the previous 4 years. This continues to be a low level for Calgary but has been steadily climbing in recent months.

Low inventory & fewer months of supply makes conditions more favourable for sellers, while more inventory and higher months of supply are more favourable for buyers.

Overall, Calgary home prices are down 0.8 % over last month and up 10.7% over September last year.

Calgary housing prices Sept 2022

What does this mean for sellers?


Right now supply is still very low compared to previous years, and demand is relatively high which means it is a good time to sell your home. Sellers who price their homes well will be able to sell quickly. Prices are dropping from previous months, this needs to be reflected in the seller’s list price.

However, your specific property value will be determined by market forces both within your community and against similar active listings. To find out what supply and demand look like for your specific community, click here.

What does this mean for buyers?


There are currently far fewer homes for sale than there have been in previous years. This means active buyers need to move fast to beat other buyers to available listings.

One way you can move faster is by booking viewings directly through Bōde, so you don’t have to wait for a realtor to schedule your viewings or draft your offer – do it yourself on Bōde.

Market conditions vary substantially by property type, community and price range


Calgary's Detached Homes

Above, we’ve looked at the overall Calgary market, but different segments are performing very differently. Let’s look at a few examples.

In September, sales of detached homes were down 1% vs the previous 4 years, while new listings were down 13%.

Calgary Detached homes Sept 22

As a result, the overall supply of detached homes is down 35% compared to previous years.


This has led months of supply to be down 39%, which means it continues to be a relatively good time to be selling a detached home, and one of the toughest times to be buying, as there’s significantly less inventory than normal to choose from. 


Calgary Detached Homes Inventory Sept 22

Detached prices increased quickly in early 2022, putting prices above their previous record levels from 2014. However detached home prices are down 0.8% over last month and up 12.9% over September last year.

Calgary's Apartments

The apartment market improved significantly in 2021 & 2022 relative to a very difficult 2020. Sales were incredibly strong for September 2022 (up 69% vs the average of the last 4 years).

Calgary Apartment supply Sept 22

There are currently 23% fewer apartments for sale than typical for this time of year a significant drop over last month.

Calgary Apartment Inventory Sept 2022

Strong demand and low supply drove apartment prices up 0.1% over last month while being up 10.7% over September last year.

Calgary's Attached Homes

Attached homes (i.e. semi-detached or row homes) saw 9% fewer listings in September vs previous years. Sales were very strong at +28% compared to the last 4 years.

Calgary Attached Homes Demand Sept 22

The total inventory of attached homes has been incredibly low in recent months. It is currently 42% lower than the average of the previous 4 years.

Calgary Attached Homes Inventory Sept 2022

Prices for attached homes have generally been improving since September 2020. However, prices are now declining. They are down 0.5% over last month while still up 12.7% over September last year.

Calgary attached homes prices sept 2022

What really matters is what’s happening in your specific local property market. There are some communities and price bands and property types where homes are performing better/worse than the market average.

It’s critical to understand the dynamics in your local property market


To understand your local property market you need to look at your local data. Head over to Bōde’s new and improved Market Data dashboard, the only place where you can see all the data yourself, including being able to filter on community, property type, and price range to see exactly what’s happening where you live.


You can also see the sold price of any home that has sold in the last 12 years using Bode’s Sold Data page.


If you’re thinking about selling, take a look at how Bōde helps sellers sell for 1.3% higher prices while paying 50% less commission.

Featured Listings

Bōde sellers sell for more and save a lot

Here are a just few of the many successful sellers

Sold by homeowner

3024 29A Street, Calgary

Sold for more in Elbow Park Calgary

3916 Elbow Drive, Calgary

As a homeowner, or potential buyer, it’s important to stay up to date with current mortgage rate trends

Canada Mortgage Report Sept 2022

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