bode sold sign

5 Reasons to use Bōde over the traditional real estate route

Real estate has been done the same, traditional way for a very long time. It’s almost become so that people don’t even realize that there are other options to consider. Bōde was created to provide homeowners with an option to deviate from the traditional route and to empower them to believe that they can.

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house sold by homeowner

The 5 reasons to pick Bōde vs. Hybrid agencies

Bōde is the first home transaction platform that completely gives control over to the sellers by enabling capable people to transact their own homes completely self-represented. At Bōde, we fundamentally believe sellers are smart and savvy enough to sell their own homes and with this in mind have created a unique and convenient online home marketplace that benefits users in a variety of ways.

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beautiful house

Buying in a Bidding War

While buying your next (or first) home, you may find yourself in a bidding war to win the home of your dreams. Bōde’s industry expert, Co-Founder and VP of Enterprise Sales, Jeff Jackson, shares tips on how to best navigate a bidding war as a buyer, and ultimately how to deal with the major decisions that come along when attempting to come out on top.

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